17 de set. de 2009

Promo Christian Singles - January 2008

01 Addison Road - All That Matters
02 Bebo Norman - Come And Worship
03 Building 429 - Singing Over Me
04 Cadia - Trust Me Now
05 John Waller - Calling For a Flood
06 Justin Unger - Disengage (Piano Intro)
07 Kj 52 - Every Part Of Me
08 Marvin Winans - Just Don't Wanna Know (Album Version)
09 Mxpx - Angels
10 Need To Breathe - Washed By The Water
11 Pillar - Love Of The Game
12 Steve Fee - All Because Of Jesus
13 This Ceautiful Republic - Casting Off
14 Tobymac - One World
15 Until June - What I've Done
16 Wavorly - Sleeper

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